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Started by night, Mar 05, 2008, 19:51:41

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Vai lá pra eu te passar o tcheca. Chama no jogo c eu demorar muityo dá um toque no msn =P

Seifer Almasy

Crystal Stage: 11, 12
Zaken (60)
Beast Lord Behemoth (70)
Meanas Anor (70)
Roaring Skylancer (70)
Eilhalder Von Hellmann (71)
Antharas Priest Cloe (74)
Krokian Padisha Sobekk (74)
Baium (75)
Anakim (80)
Lilith (80) L
Sailren (80)
Tyrannosaurus (80)    
Tyrannosaurus (80)    
Tyrannosaurus (80)    
Crystal Stage: 13
Anakazel (78)    
Antharas (79)
Ember (80)
Scarlet Van Halisha (85)    
Valakas (85)
Scarlet Van Halisha (90)

Quick Crystal Leveling Guide

You can get soul crystals of any of the three colors for free (well actually 1 crystal costs 50k SP) by asking the master of the mage guild in Giran, Oren or Aden about Enhance your weapon quest. You will also get a list of mobs on which you can level the soul crystal. Then you have to level up the crystal by yourself. The other way to obtain a soul crystal is to buy it from other players :mrgreen:
While talking to NPC about the quest you can receive only 1 crystal at a time. To obtain more you must either drop it on the ground, trade to someone else or put it in warehouse, then talk to NPC again. Of course there is no limit for crystal count you can carry.
Information about what color and stage you need for desired SA for your weapon can be found at Blacksmiths or (of you do not possess the weapon at the moment) a complete list is available here.
Leveling a crystal up to stage 10

Leveling a soul crystal is done by fighting any of the mobs on the list, an when it is at half health or below, use the soul crystal (right click in inventory, or move it to your quick bar and use it from there). No matter who damages the monster, you must use the crystal when HP is below 50% and do the last hit. If monster gets (self)healed, regenerated, etc. and it's HP goes above half hit points, you have to reduce it again and then use the crystal once more. It's up to you do decide if you level the crystals in stages by doing the low crystal levels on low level monsters, and so on, or simply don't waste time and go to harder mobs and do all levels there. If more than one player uses a soul crystal on the monster at the same time, the one who gets last hit is the one that gets a level attempt on that mob. Soul Crystals of lower levels (up to maybe 7) are not that hard to get. Levels 8 and 9 are still manageable. At stage 10, leveling becomes a real pain - prepare yourself to break many dozens of soul crystals before you succeed - actually it's the matter of luck :P
Important: You must not have more than one soul crystal in your inventory when leveling it, or it won't work. So either drop the unnecessary crystals on the ground somewhere hidden, or give them to a friend to carry them for you.

After the death of the mob, there are four possible results:
- Nothing happens: You have done something wrong: used the crystal too early, didn't get the last hit, low level mob (deep blue), wrong mob or you don't have the quest Enhance your weapon.
- The soul crystal resonates: Make sure you have only one crystal in your inventory.
- The soul crystal was not able to absorb a soul: You did all right but no luck - try again, the crystal stays.
- The soul crystal succeeded in absorbing a soul: Hooray! You did it - you leveled up the crystal by 1 level. It will be replaced with a higher stage crystal (note, the crystal will be removed from quick bar).
- The soul crystal shatters: You did all right but no luck - the crystal is destroyed and all is lost. Get a new crystal in order to continue.
- The soul crystal is refusing to absorb a soul: The monster level is too low, move to higher mobs.

Leveling a crystal to stages 11, 12 and 13
- It can be leveled only on several Raid Bosses (see table above).
- The whole party can level up it's crystals at the same time. No need to use it on raid or do anything else. Only make sure there is one soul crystal stage 10, 11 or 12 in your inventory, and your party does the last hit. Thus way you can level up 9 crystals.
- The crystal can never break.


Uma curiosidade sobre esse Scarlet Van Halisha, ele é minion do Boss Frintezza (lvl 90) é um boss que não ataca você, ele começa a tocar um piano gigante, e o Scarlet Van Halisha que aparece pra lutar

Dizem que Valakas é lixo perto...
Depois que matar ele, tem que matar o Frintezza, antes que ele toque e venha outro Scarlet Van Halisha... mas ele não ataca, fica só tocando até morrer, ai levanta, da risada e some

Outro boss tb q só fica olhando...

Click image to largerrrrr! xD

Andreas Van Halter (Raid Boss, 87)
ele é o raid de Pagan Temple


Achei essa sign no forum da L2lords.....é de Paladin...igual o Emo...

Seifer Almasy

Vou ficar meio off do jogo por esses dias, mas to pelo MSN... se não tiver on, to off isso é certeza

agora no jogo, vai ser dificil eu entrar, e não é pq eu quero ficar sem jogar, é porque preciso :mrgreen:

logo eu volto

E já tem server L2j para o Gracia, to baixando, vou instalar, baixar o cliente... e la se vão gigas pro espaço etc

Quando tiver pronto tiro umas screens e posto aqui


Pia...agiliza minha dual entaum xD Vo faze uns testes de chars pra Sub!

Seifer Almasy

Server ok, funcionando e tal

Voar de Wyvern >>>>>>>>>>>>> universo, pqp... exijo um :mrgreen:

Postarei screens breve

Tu quer tua Dual Raid de volta? a noite eu entro e te passo

Seifer Almasy

You have Spawn Frintezza!



Cria um client pra gente i brinca pia!...deixa a Dual na perva pia

Seifer Almasy

Se vocês baixarem o cliente do Gracia eu faço

ou então eu monto um server Interlude...

Só não sei fazer o cliente conectar aqui :mrgreen:

vou ter que ver como é


Seifer, que level ta teu char ativo?

Seifer Almasy


me add no msn ae

q fica mais facil

Seifer Almasy

Desktop 1600x1050 4x AA @ 72fps
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 3.0 ghz
Zogis Geforce 9800 GTX
Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Gamer
4gb Ram DDR2 800 GSkill | 2x WDC Sata 2 320 GB Raid 0 | WDC Sata 2 250Gb | Seagate Sata 2 320 Gb | Windows Vista Ultimate x64 | LG 22" wide
Notebook HP dv2670BR 800x600 @ 23 FPS
Intel Core 2 Duo T5250 1.5 ghz | 2Gb Ram DDR2 677 | WDC Sata 160 GB | Windows Vista Ultimate X64

Olha a config do PC do tal de Plastinu, que jogou com a gente ontem la em TOI

assim o cara abre 20 box, tranquilo - reparem nos HD, em raid 0... dinheiro é bom não é pessoas? :mrgreen:


Paint sempre teve os Top de linha....sempre....ele troca de placa de video a cada 3 meses mais ou menos  :mrgreen:  

mas o pia merece....o cara alem de ser um genio em PHP, genio mesmo....daqueles que faz swf por php...ele ainda crio um programa constutor de softwares, compilador propio e tals.....pia bem empenhado mesmo....

Seifer Almasy

Não falta eu ver mais nada nessa porra de jogo

2 Titans e 1 Bishop deitaram o Kernon... agorinha pouco

e vão ajudar a deitar o Longhorn tb, amanhã...

aquele dia, umas 6 party morreram pro bixo e tinha titan tb nelas

vou até dormir... deu


Hoje fiquei pasmo de pasmo!!

Tava la camperando o Kernon....ja tinha uma galerinha gaucha la e ficamo trocando ideia....nisso vem 1 loco....fala pra gente que eles vaum deita o ele sumona 1 orc....que sumona 6 negos...e começo aquela enrolação basica....fui ve meu orkut e meu forum, quando volto, só pra ve como tava a enrolação...os minions tavam mortos e o bicho com quase metade do HP....fui ve....2 Titans matando....sozinhos....só 2 *-*....Lembram daquele mar de noobs que fez a gente perde rios de xp??

Quando os tiu loco saum foda saum foda né? num tem o que dizer!