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Started by Gynoug, Apr 29, 2008, 19:24:04

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Quote from: 'Gynoug' post='19931' date='May 7 2008, 08:34 PM'Vi no vgbr e fiquei vendo e revendo o trailer até agora (lindo o visual e a  musica)... sei que todos irão virar a cara, pois é um FPS (e pra PC também).

Mirror's Edge

Gametrailers (SD)

Gametrailers (HD)

Parece ser um jogo com um conceito muito bom, e muito fora do padrão de sempre. Pelo que andei lendo, mal dá pra chamar de FPS, porque o foco do jogo não é nem de longe o "shooting" - você pode até pegar uma arma de um inimigo, mas não vai achar munição por aí, e o peso da arma atrapalha o movimento e acrobacias da personagem.

Estou bem curioso pra ver quando sair, só espero que não acabe sendo vítima de overhype.


Esse jogo lembra uma propaganda de perfume em que um cara atravessa a cidade em linha reta não importando oque encontre.


QuoteGears of War 2
Epic Games



Link (Gears of War 2 Gameplay Trailer - 146MB, WMV, 1280x720, 0:03:14)


QuoteBanjo Kazooie 3

Primeiras imagens.

Sei lá... jogava, mas não gostava do jogo no N64.


Bonitinho o Banjo... eu gostei do primeiro jogo no 64. :lol:


Eu vi o video, se realmente for game play aquilo, tá parecendo desenho animado tipo Os Sem Floresta e tal, realmente vai ser mto legal! Não curti tanto o do 64 mas era bom até o jogo...


Quote from: 'SaintFerio' post='20360' date='May 12 2008, 06:26 PM'Eu vi o video, se realmente for game play aquilo, tá parecendo desenho animado tipo Os Sem Floresta e tal, realmente vai ser mto legal! Não curti tanto o do 64 mas era bom até o jogo...
Video? Não vi video nenhum... só mais umas fotos que sairam.






Que loko ein?!
Initium et finis


QuoteBurnout Paradise
Criterion Games

Já tinha sido confirmado a versão para PC, mas agora parece que sairam as imagens desta.





Foi disponibilizado videos também da versão PC, mas são do jogo rodando em "Ultra-widscreen" (exibicionismo?):

Link (1920x600 - MOV - 201 MB)
Link (960x300 - MOV - 50.7 MB)


QuoteMinha nossa senhora.. e eu que achei que aquelas outras fotos de antes fossem o melhor do Ninja Gaiden 2. Olha só isto aqui.








QuoteVideo HD da Microsoft, demonstrando: Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2 e Too Human.

Link (Microsoft Game Studios May Showcase 2008 - 176MB, MPEG2, 1280x720, 0:03:31)



Baixando o video.


QuoteTom Clancy's HAWX

Developed by Ubisoft's Bucharest studio, Tom Clancy's HAWX delivers an intense and authentic aerial combat experience by fully leveraging the benefits of the next-generation platform. The story begins in the year 2012. As the era of the nation-state draws quickly to a close, the rules of warfare evolve even more rapidly. More and more nations become increasingly dependent on private military companies (PMCs), elite mercenaries with a lax view of the law. The Reykjavik Accords further legitimize their existence by authorizing their right to serve in every aspect of military operations. While the benefits of such PMCs are apparent, growing concerns surrounding giving them too much power begin to mount.

Tom Clancy's HAWX is the first air combat game set in the world-renowned Tom Clancy's video game universe. Cutting-edge technology, devastating firepower, and intense dogfights bestow this new title a deserving place in the prestigious Tom Clancy franchise. Soon, flying at Mach 3 becomes a right, not a privilege.

Key Features:

    * • ENHANCED REALITY SYSTEM (E.R.S.) - E.R.S. is in-game technology that helps turn novice aviators into elite pilots of the future. The Enhanced Reality System is the backbone of the HAWX flight experience: radars and incoming missile detection, anti-crash system, damage control system, tactical map and information relay, and weapons trajectory control. E.R.S. also allows players to issue orders to their squadron, making this system as iconic to HAWX as the Cross-Com system is to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter!
    * • ASSISTANCE MODE – Players can ease into their flight missions and gain a level of comfort with the use of the assistance mode. Once employed, players can take full advantage of their technological support through the E.R.S and gain maximum piloting security. If the situation calls for the player to unleash the full potential of the aircraft, the assistance mode can be switched off and all safety features will be deactivated. This comes with increased risks, but allows the player advanced dogfighting maneuvers and stunning third-person views.
    * • REVOLUTIONARY MULTIPLAYER - For the first time ever in the air-combat genre, players will be able to experience the entire solo campaign in four-player JUMP IN co-op mode. In PVP mode, players can challenge up to 15 friends in intense dogfighting sessions and find out who's the top gun. Winning players are rewarded with experience points and money to unlock more weapons.
    * • REALISM AND AUTHENTICITY – Players have the opportunity to take the throttle of over 50 of the world's famous aircrafts, as well as being able to dogfight over realistic modern landscapes that have endured years of post-war trauma.

Tom Clancy's HAWX is scheduled for release in Fall 2008, on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Link (video flash)



Se for algo bem arcade, será o "Ace Combat" dos que não possuem consoles atuais.


Billy Lee Black


QuoteViolent Mario Cameo In New Xbox 360 'Banjo Kazooie' Just An Innocent Joke, Rare Says

There was no malicious intent behind the brief scene Super Mario getting his head blown off in the debut gameplay trailer of "Banjo Kazooie: Nuts And Bolts," a developer working on the game told me yesterday.

Salvatore Fileccia, the lead software engineer behind the upcoming vehicle-based Xbox 360 platformer, said his team has the utmost respect for the Nintendo icon.

He offered a simple explanation for its inclusion.

He told me that the Mario figure that gets blasted apart in the trailer was actually a custom vehicle created by one of the developers on the game using the Lego-like vehicle-building editor. As he demoed the game he had stressed that the developers had managed to create many Star Wars vehicles as well.

The Mario vehicle, which looks like a Mario statue, will not be in the final game — though I can't imagine someone won't try to create one within hours of the game's official release.

Fileccia told me that he wasn't allowed to say much about what happened, but the impression I got was that Rare snuck it into the trailer and got themselves in some hot water. Either that, or this is an intentional buzz-builder. (You can see the scene online on many sites, including this one.)

Rare developers actually seemed quite eager to stress respect for the "Mario" franchise. When Fileccia began his demo of the game he said that "action platformers have gotten a bit stale" but then added "except for Mario." And when he and I spoke about the bit in the trailer he assured me that even though he hadn't played "Super Mario Galaxy" yet that it would be the first game he plays when he finishes making Banjo.

Rare, of course, used to be partially owned by Nintendo before being purchased by Microsoft in 2002.
Será que alguêm foi demitido?



QuoteDevil May Cry 4

Devil May Cry 4 PC Demo (Ten minutes of gameplay, including a boss fight). Final PC game release date: Jul 8, 2008.

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz
Memory: 512 MB (1 GB for Vista)
Hard Drive: 8 GB Free
Video Memory: 256 MB (nVidia GeForce 6600 SM3 Required)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Intel Core 2 DUO
Memory: 1 GB (2 GB for Vista)
Hard Drive: 8 GB Free
Video Memory: 512 MB (nVidia GeForce 8600)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Keyboard & Mouse
DVD Rom Drive



Link: 1 - 2 - 3 (804.05MB)