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Started by Gynoug, Apr 29, 2008, 19:24:04

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Pra não ficar postando vários tópicos sobre coisas pequenas...

QuoteGhostbusters: The Video Game

Algumas novas imagens que sairam do jogo:



Lembrando que estas imagens ai são da versão para X360, PS3 e PC. Existe a outra versão para PS2 e Wii. Sai dia 26 de Setembro.

QuoteSoul Calibur IV

Não andei vendo as últimas infos do jogo... mas é impressão minha ou esta muito estranho estes gráficos? Não sei se as imagens sejam ruins talvez.




QuoteDragon Ball Z Burst Limit (PS3, X360)

Video HD do jogo que estará saindo agora em Junho... algumas capturas do video:




Video (216MB, mpeg2, 1280x720, 0:03:14)

Seifer Almasy

QuoteSierra Spring Break 08: PS3 exclusivity would have allowed double the amount
of objects on-screen, says Ghostbusters dev

April 28th, 2008 @ 12:58
Speaking to videogaming247 at the Sierra Spring Break 08 in Mallorca last
week, Terminal Reality president Mark Randel admitted that Ghostbusters on
PS3 has been held back by the fact will also release on 360, saying that the
game would have double the amount of objects on screen if it had been PS3-

See below.

VG247: Why choose to lead on the PS3?

Mark Randell : Very simple reason: Ghostbusters is the property of Sony

Escolheram o PS3 como plataforma base para o jogo porque a franquia pertence a Sony Pictures.

VG247: Right. But the game will be coming out on the 360, it's a simultaneous
release. Did Sony insist it was lead?

MR : Personally, I want to show off our PS3 technology. We're one of the few
developers who love the PS3 and have a great time with it. We have great
technology for the PS3 and we want to show it off.

Querem mostrar a tecnologia deles para op PS3, se dizem como alguns dos poucos programadores que adoram o PS3. que tem uma grande tecnologia desenvolvida para o console.

VG247: Isn't it the same for the 360?

MR: We're running the same game for both platforms but if we made a PS3-
only game, for example, you could double the amount of objects on screen
that you're seeing. The PlayStation 3 has seven processors and the 360 only
has three, so seven versus three means you can do a lot more on the PS3.
We're keeping the game the same over both platforms so we don't want to
take out any features.

Ele diz que o game será o mesmo nas duas plataformas, mas que se fosse
only for PS3 eles poderiam colocar o dobro de coisas na tela. Explica que
o PS3 tem 7 cores, contra apenas 3 do X360.

VG247: So is the game scaled down because of the limitations of the 360?

MR : For example, we've reserved one whole processor on the PS3 for Dolby
Digital 5.1 sound whereas on the 360 you have part of one processor to do
that. So we can have a lot better sound mixing and a lot more effects going on
at the same time. That kinds of makes us do a little bit less in the game [360]
but makes for better audio. If we're doing a PS3 only game however, we could
be doing a lot more. We could be pushing a lot more on the screen.

ele cita por exemplo que usaram um dos processadores do PS3 para gerar o som Dolby Digital 5.1, enquanto no X eles tem somente parte de um core para fazer isso, (já que ele tem que estar processando o game em si tb). Dizem que tiveram que segurar a onda, se fosse só para o PS3 poderiam ter feito muito mais.

Seifer's Note: o responsavel pelo processamento de som não é o chip de audio?

Ghostbusters is out this coming October for PS3, 360, Wii, PS2 and DS.

By Mike Bowden

E a sony ja ta metendo o pau no 360 sem respaldo, ja que se saisse só pra PS3 ia ter o dobro de coisas na tela, super resolução e derivados, porque não compra a exclusividade?

Esse Soul Calibur 4 promete bastante, esperamos melhoras graficas até o lançamento

Dragon Ball esta excelente, acabei de ver o video e acho que vai impressionar muito :P


A divisão francesa da Ubisoft confirmou hoje que o novo game da saga Prince of Persia, conhecido até o momento como Prince of Persia Prodigy, chega ainda este ano p/ Xbox 360 / PC´s / Playstation 3 e Nintendo DS. No cargo deste desenvolvimento, está novamente a aclamada divisão de Montreal, responsável pela trilogia que começou em Prince of Persia Sands of Time.

Prince of Persia Prodigy será uma nova pagina na vida da serie, trazendo um novo ar ao gameplay. Segundo a softhouse, Prodigy está destinado e rejuvenescer o estilo action-adventure e irá apresentar um novo estilo de arte / ilustração.

A Ubisoft tb está trabalhando em versão desenvolvida exclusivamente p/ o Nintendo DS, com elementos / personagens e storyline, diferentes das versões p/ Xbox 360 / PC e Playstation 3.
Até o momento, a softhouse não mencionou versões do game p/ o Nintendo Wii e Sony PSP.


Quote from: 'Hyllian' date='Mar 30 2008, 05:04 PM'--------------------------------------------------------------------------
XBOX 360


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -- Game of The Year Edition


NBA Ballers: Chosen One


Grand Theft Auto IV
Nintendo Wii


Baroque, Emergency Mayhem, MiniCopter: Adventure Flight


Summer Sports: Paradise Island




Battle of the Bands


Dream Pinball 3D, Target: Terror, Wild Earth: African Safari


Mario Kart Wii


Castle of Shikigami III, The
PlayStation 3


Gran Turismo 5 Prologue


NBA Ballers: Chosen One


Monster Madness: Grave Danger


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -- Game of The Year Edition


Grand Theft Auto IV
Playstation 2


Arcana Heart, Baroque, Fatal Fury: Battle Archives Volume 2


Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES


Chaos Wars


Riding Star


SNK Arcade Classics: Volume 1


De recente pro PS2 também tem o Iron Man, não? Só não sei se a data de lançamento oficial já passou ou não.

Seifer Almasy

X360 e PS3

e outra surra :P

60fps no 360
30fps no PS3


Não, eu disse PS2.

Lançamento 2 de Maio, mas já tô baixando a ISO.

Seifer Almasy

Pensei que tu tava perguntando se ai sair pra PS2 ou não

e eu falei que ja tinha saido pra PS3 e 360 e resolvi fazer um comentario :P

precisa desanhar pra esse povo... :P


QuoteSonic Unleashed: Almost everything we knew was a lie

Apr 29th 2008

We'll have to mark this as rumor, since the source is Kombo's writeup of a Play Magazine article, and thus a little too far abstracted for comfort. According to Kombo, a recent interview with Sonic Team's Yoshihisa Hashimoto about Sonic Unleashed revealed a bunch of stuff about Sega's latest attempt to refresh the franchise. What he had to say put basically everything we thought we knew about the game into question.

For example, the Wii game is being outsourced. Given the identity of the developer (Sonic Rush's Dimps), that's mostly a good thing, but it's still surprising to learn that we've been misled into thinking Sonic Team was simultaneously developing all three versions. That means that the "Hedgehog Engine," which we thought was being used for all three games, is not being used for the Wii. Furthermore, Dimps is doing not only the coding, but also level design for the Wii game, which means it's a different game.

Worst of all is the news that Sega has already started downplaying the 2.5D aspect of the game. We believed that the whole game played as a sidescroller, but Hashimoto said it'll be about half 2D and half 3D. Great!

None of this means that Sonic Unleashed on the Wii or any other platform will necessarily be bad, it just means that it won't be what we thought it was.
[/i]Quando parece que a Sega ta indo na direção certa, começa a parecer que é tudo miragem. As partes do video onde a jogabilidade é 2D causavam suspiro... tava bom demais.


Cabei nem o 3 ainda!

Vou baixar...

E também:
Arcana Heart, Baroque.

Curti o tópico!
Initium et finis

Danny Zuco

QuoteVou baixar...

E também:
Arcana Heart, Baroque.

2+. Agora que consegui livrar 5 dos 7 HR que eu tinha no Blackcats posso baixar tranquilamente outra vez.

E realmente, parabéns a inciativa do criador do tópico, muito bom.


É, pina isso.
Initium et finis


Quote from: 'Dark' post='19470' date='Apr 29 2008, 11:40 PM'É, pina isso.
Eu tinha esquecido disto...   :P

Seifer Almasy

Muito bom tópico mesmo

prometo colaborar :P



Algumas imagens melhores do novo Splatterhouse...


Seifer Almasy

XBOX 360


Iron Man


Indianapolis 500 Evolution


Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm, Supreme Commander


Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The


UEFA Euro 2008


Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Hail to the Chimp, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition -- Colonies Edition
Nintendo Wii


Hamster Heroes, Family Stadium, Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars


Iron Man


BlastWorks: Build, Trade, Destroy, Boom Blox, Dog Island, The, Kawasaki Snow Mobiles, Rebel Raiders: Operation NightHawk, Speed Racer


Castle of Shikigami III, Deca Sports, We Ski


Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The


Wii Fit


Backyard Baseball '09


Death Jr.: Root of Evil, Emergency Heroes
PlayStation 3


Buzz! Quiz TV


Iron Man


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -- Game of The Year Edition


Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The


UEFA Euro 2008


Haze, Monster Madness: Grave Danger, SingStar


Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Hail To The Chimp
Playstation 2


Riding Star


Iron Man


Backyard Baseball '09


Chaos Wars, Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure


Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, The


UEFA Euro 2008


Ford Racing Off Road


Garfield: Lasagne World Tour

Mes fraquinho... nada pra wii me interessa ai, talvez Iron Man

PS2 com uma pancada de games esse mes :P