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The Most Dangerous Game

Started by feles, Mar 13, 2006, 18:02:18

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Bela materia

So, is it desperation or arrogance that's keeping Sony quiet and gamers in the dark? Either way, it's hard to disregard a nagging sensation that Sony is putting itself in a situation awfully similar to where Nintendo was ten years ago. Once upon a time it was Nintendo who was reviled by publishers for its draconian third-party policies, who was criticized by its customers for over-promising and under-delivering on its hardware, who cockily stood atop the industry and expected its brand name to do its hard work for it. And ten years ago, Sony knocked Nintendo's standing in the console race from a strong first to a distant third.

Now Sony seems to be setting itself up for a similar fall. PS3's hardware is rumored to be too complicated for many developers to utilize to the fullest. Worse, the console exclusives that set PS1 and PS2 apart are slowly vanishing as publishers hope to maximize their returns on the rising cost of game creation by releasing key titles on multiple platforms. There's a very real danger that the PS3 could become Sony's N64 -- an impressive, but flawed machine plagued by eroding developer confidence and expensive proprietary media (in this case, BluRay).
Viver é a cada 3 dias ter vontade de se ajoelhar e chorar.


Eu já estava imaginando esta situação. A Sony parece estar meio embaraçada com o projeto do PS3, ela prometeu demais, elevou o hype � s alturas e agora corre o risco de ter a mesma recepção que o X360 (guardadas as devidas proporções). O console apresentado na E3 do ano passado era só uma carcaça, os vídeos que se diziam ser em tempo real passaram a ser tecdemos.

E a Nintendo com seu console graficamente capenga pode voltar a liderança..quem diria heim.


O mundo da volta meus caroos!

Mas vou ser sincero... Heheh prefiro a Nintendo dominando do que a Sony, já enjoou! Mas sonho com a SEGA ainda voltando um dia a fabricar consoles :)

Seifer Almasy

Eu falei isso desde o começo, eu acho que, ou a Sony começa a se mexer, ou vai amargar um 3° lugar na pior das hipóteses

que primeiro lugar, ela vai suar