Go to jail, play video games

Started by feles, Mar 18, 2006, 11:35:23

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Mas é divertido ler noticias na internet!!!!


Prison isn't all fun and games, but a new program in Oregon finds that some games actually produce better prisoners. A recent incentive program allows inmates to purchase a US$35 game console after 18 months without disciplinary problems, and to play their choice of 50 preloaded games. Thanks in part to the program, which also offers small televisions and "cell-block ice cream socials," discipline problems in the prison system have dropped even as the inmate population has increased.
Viver é a cada 3 dias ter vontade de se ajoelhar e chorar.


Primeiro Hospital, agora Cadeia?? LOL


Claro... eu já considero o sonho de ir limpar banheiro no USA como impossível. Logo, o sonho será ir para lá ser preso e ficar confinado no arcade, que dizer, na cadeia.
